Wine & Opera – what a natural combo. The Maryland Opera performs at Boordy on the first Friday of every month. All ages are welcome. Bring a picnic or take the night off and purchase food from Brookside Market.
Gates open at 5:30p.m., and the performance is from 7p.m. – 8:30p.m. Tickets are $25, click here.
Fri. Aug. 2
Fri. Sept. 6
Fri. Oct. 4
FAQs about visiting Boordy Vineyards:
- All Up-to- date info will appear on our Facebook and Instagram posts. It is possible that inclement weather alters the live music and the visiting vendors.
- MON, TUE, WED, FRI, SAT all visitors must be 21 years and up.
- THU, SAT evening & SUN- Families with under 21 years of age are welcomed. Please keep your children with you. Boordy accepts no responsibility for injury caused to children who are not properly chaperoned.
- FOOD purchased at Boordy is the only food permitted in the Boordy Barn.
- ICE – please bring your own ice. Boordy sells wine already chilled, but please anticipate if your picnic and drinks will need ice while you are here.
- LIMOS & BUSES & GROUPS OVER 10 please let Sally Buck know when you plan to arrive. 410-592-5015 or [email protected].
- RAIN OR SHINE for all activities at Boordy.
- SERVICE DOGS are welcomed, but no other pets are allowed.
- ALCOHOL other than Boordy wine may not be brought in.
- CONFETTI is not allowed at Boordy anywhere inside or outside.
- HELIUM BALLOONS are not allowed inside the Boordy Barn.
- UNEVEN GROUND & NATURAL HAZARDS: Visiting Boordy is a rural experience, please watch for uneven ground and natural hazards.