Family Day at Boordy

Bring your family and friends of all ages for Family Day at the vineyard.  Spread out on the lawn and enjoy live music, wine  & food from La Barrita.  (or inside our climate-controlled 19th century Barn for inclement weather.) Sunday  12 pm - 5 pm. Admission is free. Bands: Sept 8 - Raul Del Moral …


Good Life Thursday Music & Food

LOCAL WINE / LOCAL FOOD / LOCAL MUSIC is our motto. Join us for our Thursday market with our friends from One Straw Farm along with the following producers and makers: 3 Blooms Toffee, Angel Lights, Chef Dad, Greek Super Foods, Habibi Hummus, High Tide Lures, Jo Delicious, Kirchmayr Chocolatier, PJK Creations, and The Lovely …


Family Day at Boordy

Bring your family and friends of all ages for Family Day at the vineyard.  Spread out on the lawn and enjoy live music, wine  & food from La Barrita.  (or inside our climate-controlled 19th century Barn for inclement weather.) Sunday  12 pm - 5 pm. Admission is free. Bands: Sept 15 - Jay Swanson Sept …


Good Life Thursday Music & Food

LOCAL WINE / LOCAL FOOD / LOCAL MUSIC is our motto. Join us for our Thursday market with our friends from One Straw Farm along with the following producers and makers: 3 Blooms Toffee, Angel Lights, Chef Dad, Greek Super Foods, Habibi Hummus, High Tide Lures, Jo Delicious, Kirchmayr Chocolatier, PJK Creations, and The Lovely …


Family Day at Boordy

Bring your family and friends of all ages for Family Day at the vineyard.  Spread out on the lawn and enjoy live music, wine  & food from La Barrita.  (or inside our climate-controlled 19th century Barn for inclement weather.) Sunday  12 pm - 5 pm. Admission is free. Bands: Sept 22 - The Hot Club …


Good Life Thursday Music & Food

LOCAL WINE / LOCAL FOOD / LOCAL MUSIC is our motto. Join us for our Thursday market with our friends from One Straw Farm along with the following producers and makers: 3 Blooms Toffee, Angel Lights, Chef Dad, Greek Super Foods, Habibi Hummus, High Tide Lures, Jo Delicious, Kirchmayr Chocolatier, PJK Creations, and The Lovely …
